A downloadable game

CorgiTile is a 2D sandbox game where you play as a corgi. The game is made in the pixel-art style. You can create a world and build whatever you want there.
The game has two seasons: Summer and winter, realistic world generator, 13 different tiles and opportunity to create custom tiles.

Supports 2 languages: English and russian


WASD - move corgi

Arrows - Place tiles

E - open inventory

tab - show hotbar

f1-f12 - choice slot

Tilepacks (mods):

You can add your custom tiles into the game by tilepacks. Tilepack is a folder, which you place to the path [game path]/custom/.

How to create a tilepack:


E-mail:   corgitile@gmail.com

Discord server: https://discord.gg/5UkBVsYwxJ

Version: Alpha 1


CorgiTile-setup.exe 26 MB

Install instructions

Run CorgiTile-setup.exe in your Downloads folder, setup the game by it. Run CorgiTile.exe by Desktop shortcut or win menu. On default, CorgiTle files writes to the path C:/Program Files/CorgiTile or C:/Program Files (x86)/CorgiTile